St. Francis by the Lakes Vision Statement

Journey with God, Journey with Each Other, Help Others Journey with God.


To view the Sunday Service at St Francis by the Lakes

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St Francis by the Lakes Sunday Service


Ways To Donate at St Francis by the Lakes Anglican Church


PAD - Preauthorized Debit   Every two weeks or once a month the amount you choose is automatically withdrawn from your bank account.  You can change the amount anytime.  Please contact Shelley Brushett for more information.  The form needed to start PAD is available under the "St Francis Community Tab" to download and complete.

Weekly Church Envelopes   You are given a set of envelopes for the year and simply place them on the collection plate on Sunday.  Please contact Shelley Brushett for this service.

Special Envelopes   They are always available in the Narthex to use.

Online Donations    St Francis has a partnership with to facilitate making online donations.  CanadaHelps is a recogonized and trusted organization that is used by thousands of churches and charities.  Below are links for each fund at St Francis.  They will take you automatically to the CanadaHelps website.

General & Operating Fund

Easter & Lent


Christmas & Advent

Roof Fund

Memorial Fund


Building Maintenance Fund

Capital Improvement Fund

Janet Buchanan Music Bursary Fund

PWRDF - Primate's World Relief and Development Fund

Beacon House